Thursday 3 December 2015

Task 1: Look at this picture below and describe the person in it. You need to describe the surroundings, what she is thinking of, what you think is her emotional state, and what might have been going in her life. Use at least 10 different adjectives/adverbs and make sure to write all in third person speaker (he/she/it).

This is a black and white picture. In the picture a young girl is sitting on the ground against a concrete pillar staring the grey mountain faraway with a sad mood. The sun is just rising from the sea horizontal line and the environment is very quiet.

The girl like the scenery and the quiet atmosphere. The huge mountain and quiet surroundings makes her calm down when she felt losing her self-control. It can also remind her how marvelous the nature is and comparing with this endless space nothing worth to worry about.  Looking up the sky and take a deep breath, she feels better and better, she know clearly that a new day is waiting for her.

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