Friday 18 December 2015

Friday's assignment

Task 1:

Below are words from the article. Write the correct letter on each line to match the words with their meanings.

1. intention           l  
a. to explain, make clear
2. assume             g 
b. to give a wrong meaning to; misunderstand
3. empathize         e  
c. to call attention to; make important
4. disapproval       d 
d. lack of approval
5. misinterpret      b
e. to understand another’s feelings or motives
6. emphasize        c
f. a general rule or idea that is inferred from particular facts or examples
7. clarify              a 
g. accepted to be true without proof
8. rapport             j 
h. an oversimplified mental picture of a group of people
9. stereotype       h 
i. to help something happen
10. claim             k 
j. a harmonious relationship with someone
11. promote         i  
k. to maintain; say as a fact
12. generalization  f
l. the purpose behind an action or statement
Task 2:

Write a noun for each of the verbs below. Use either the noun or the verb form in sentences.

Perception: Some people have rather good sensitive perception
Assumption: Assumption is a common way used by scientists.
Empathy: Even a murderer can show his empathy in special situations.
Disapproval: His disapproval made me felt very frustrated.
Misinterpretation: Sometimes misinterpretation can cause disastrous result.
Emphasization: Our teacher has given his emphasization on English learning.
Clarification: Timely clarification is very important when misunderstanding happened between both sides.
Generalization: An adult tend to give a generalization whenever he try to understand unfamiliar things or areas.

Task 3: 

Click on this link to record your answer for the following questions. Then, copy the link once you are satisfied with your recording, and paste it on your blog, together with your previous answers.

Talk about an experience you once had when you misunderstood or were misunderstood by another person and that created an argument. What was your reaction and what did you do to resolve the problem?

Monday 14 December 2015

Argument-led essay:
Caring for the elderly, some people think that it is the government responsibility; However, others believe it is their immediate family responsibility.

Caring for the elderly

With the population of the elderly increasing gradually, people pay more attention regarding elderly’s caring. Some people hold the opinion that the government should take the responsibility to take care of the elderly; however, others think it is their immediate family’s responsibility. In the following essay, the two points of view will be analyzed.

One point of view is that the government should take the responsibility to take care of the elderly. First of all, people who paid taxes to government every month should receive something or some care at their old age; it includes this pension plan Secondly, most seniors have devoted their time, their energy to the society when they were young, so they would want a payback; Finally, also one most important reason, some seniors have no immediate family and some seniors really have but their immediate family are not  available because of various reasons. So the government's role is very important to care for the elders.

The other point of view is that the immediate family should take care of their elderly. Firstly, only family members can give their elders the love that they need regarding their spiritual and psychological aspects. Then, most of elderly raised their children up by devote all their energy and money when they were young. It's the right time and chance for their children to payback. Lastly, caring the elderly is a vivid lesson and an excellent example/model for the young couple to educate their children to form good character and morals. 

To sum up, all mentioned above, both the government and the immediate family have the responsibilities to care for the elders. Personally, I totally agree with this, the government can provide a certain part of financial and materially help and support to the elderly, and at the same time the immediate family can give the elder the spiritual and psychological comfort and love. This can help the elders a lot during their old age. Furthermore, if the immediate family can understand well that the government can’t provide the perfect services to the elderly by now because of public resources limited and try to provide as much effort as they can to take care of their elderly, that will be much better for the elderly.

Monday's assignment

Good morning everybody, Today we have a few tasks to do. 

First, click on this link and read the handout well, and then answer the exercises provided. 

Second, listen to these songs, pick out three to four new words for you from each song, and use them in sentences of your own.

 Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

Oh Canada

So, this is Christmas

So this is 


In one's daily life, it's not difficult to meet dasher or vixen


Only after I  listened the song " Oh Canada", I knew the word thee means you.


I have a glowing heart to my native country and I'd like to sing the national anthem with glee.
go down in the history

It's so hard to make one's name go down  in the history.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Wednesday's assignment

Good afternoon folks,

Consider the following argument and follow the tasks below.

Some people argue that the gap between parents and children can be bridged, while others believe it is impossible to do so.

Write a balanced argument to address this statement. Make sure to state your opinion and support it with relevant ideas from your experience.

Task 1:

Is it an argument-led or thesis-led approach and why?

It can be developed in both way.

Task 2:

First, brainstorm your ideas, and then write an introduction that does not exceed 50 words to address the topic.

Some people argue that the gap between parents and children can be bridged, while others believe it is impossible to do so. Both sides can bring tons examples to support their opinions. Personally I agree with both sides under certain conditions and in specific environment because each individual whoever he is, parents or children, has his own characters, growing environments and educated level, those partly limit their attitude, patience and cooperated style to others.Personally, I agree that the gap between parents and children can be bridged. First of all, it's parents bring their child to this world and cultivate him/her to grow up. This is a good chance to eliminate the gap between the parents and their child and establish a good relationship with him or her. Secondly, as parents, they must study continuously and grow up same as their child in knowledge area.

Task 3:

Write your thesis statement for this topic.

Monday 7 December 2015

Good afternoon folks,

We are currently working on our writing skills. Read the topic below and write one to two paragraphs in response to this topic.

Working on my language                                            

Task 1:

Here are some guiding ideas to help you construct your paragraph:
·                     Why I joined the class
·                     My needs were
·                     I learnt
·                     I want to still work on

After landed on Toronto of Canada, the first important thing for me is working on my language –improving my English because the first official language in Toronto is English and I would work in a totally English environment. That will be a supper challenge for me. So I jointed an English training class to work on it.

My needs for English were improving listening, spoken, writing skill and reading comprehension. All I did in English class during the past four months was kept learning and practicing base on these needs. Now I feel I have made some progresses. For example, I can talk more in English and understand daily live news on radio much better than before. But I know it’s just on the right track and far away from the final goals, I still need to work on it until I can speak as a native speaker and communicate freely in English. In one word, English ability ranks first in my present situation and I should plan a certain time to work on it.

Yvonne's edit
After landed on Toronto of Canada, the first important thing for me is working on my language –improving my English, because the first official language in Toronto is English and I would work in a totally English environment. That will be a supper challenge for me. So I jointed an English training class to work on it.

My needs for English were improving listening, speaking, writing skill and reading comprehension. All I did in English class during the past four months was kept learning and practicing base on these needs. Now I feel I have made some progresses. For example, I can talk more in English and understand daily live news on radio much better than before. But I know it’s just on the right track and far away from the final goals, I still need to work on it until I can speak as a native speaker local people and communicate freely in English. In one word, English ability ranks first in my present situation and I should plan a certain time to work on it.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Task 1: Look at this picture below and describe the person in it. You need to describe the surroundings, what she is thinking of, what you think is her emotional state, and what might have been going in her life. Use at least 10 different adjectives/adverbs and make sure to write all in third person speaker (he/she/it).

This is a black and white picture. In the picture a young girl is sitting on the ground against a concrete pillar staring the grey mountain faraway with a sad mood. The sun is just rising from the sea horizontal line and the environment is very quiet.

The girl like the scenery and the quiet atmosphere. The huge mountain and quiet surroundings makes her calm down when she felt losing her self-control. It can also remind her how marvelous the nature is and comparing with this endless space nothing worth to worry about.  Looking up the sky and take a deep breath, she feels better and better, she know clearly that a new day is waiting for her.