Thursday 24 September 2015

Thursday's assignment

Task 1:

Listen to two people talking about looking for work. Click on this link  and answer the questions below.

1. Place a check-mark beside the job search activities Rosa carried out:

           Visited an employment centre
           Spoke to a job counsellor
X           Looked at job postings

         Analyzed her own skills

     Participated in mock interviews
     Attended job search workshops
     Read newspaper classified ads

2. What three things did Rosa learn at the workshops?
   a. had a job plan and learn job available;
   b. learned how to write the resume and cover latter;
   c. learned how to attend a job interview

3. Rosa mentions two ways to write résumés and cover letters that she learned. What are they?
    Get help from job counsellors and find the helpful information from internet. 

4. What advice does Rosa have for Gita about preparing for interviews?
    Rosa's advice is that Gita should analysis where her skills were and how her prior work experience related.

5. What advice would you give Gita about looking for work?
    My advice to Gita is that Rosa has given lots of good and helpful advice, try to understand what Rose had said and follow the suggestion accordingly.

Task 2:

A-  Click on this link and listen to a job seeker describes his job search. Discuss the following.

1.     What problems did this job seeker face?
       a. No ad. for Bakers;
       b. Even there are a few job posted, they never close to the seeker's home;
       c. Employer tend to cut back full-time baker and recruit hour-employee.

2.     What information would have made his search more effective? 
       a. try to check cross industry and find how many job in seeker's area;
       b. considering the related occupation.

B-   Think about your job search. What information or services do you think would help you to find a job? With a partner, make a list. In small groups, compare your lists.

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