Monday 5 October 2015

Task 1:

Write two-three paragraphs to describe your experience with culture shock. Talk about the following areas:
·                  Which stage do you think yourself at?
·                  Did you pass through l the stages?
·                  What did you do to overcome your culture shock?
·                  What kind of advice(s) would you give to a family member or a friend to help him/her overcome culture shock?

Today our discussed theme in my English class was “Dealing with Culture Shock”. This is a very interesting and helpful topic for all new immigrants and all people travelling to abroad.
I still remembered I have experienced my first culture shock when I travelled to America for a business meeting. My Indian colleague keep kept shaking his head when we were discussing some technical topics, I felt very confused and even a little annoyed. I thought that in myself. "Why he disagrees on every topic but he doesn't didn’t say it out loud or he didn't mention any reasons? Later he explained why he was doing that.that he shook his head means he agree with the point and the conclusion.
Most of countries has have some special culture traditions which is different from our own culture. The best way is to learn it and respect them.
In my English class, the teacher taught us how many stages the culture shock can be divided to and how to analysis which stage we are in. With this training I know I’m in the third stage 3: slow acceptance stage. Though I had tried to overcome the culture shock by the means of respecting others, keep an open-minded, learn as much as I can, I’m still on the way. Now combining with some skills dealing with culture shock - I'm confident I can adapt myself in my new country a little more quickly and easily.

Task 2:

List some strategies/ways/activities you will use to advice a close friend or a family member to do or use in order to reverse any symptoms of culture shock.

Try to learn more about the target culture;
Respect others whatever you understand or not, agree or disagree
Open minded
Make local friends
Participate public activities
Keep positive attitude

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