Wednesday 28 October 2015

Oct.28, 2015  Wednesday's Assignment

Listen to this video once, and then respond to the following tasks:

Task 1:

Take dictation from 3:45 - 4:07, listen to this part once more, and then check it with a partner.

Task 2:

Fill in the transcript below.
I mean there's a ..commitment involved.: Time spent serving ..your .. clients, time spent ..billing.., time  spent doing ..the work you have to do... That's today's ..revenue.., I'm ..not.. here to tell you that not important. It is ..important.. That's how ..we all get paid.. We got to do a ..great job.for the clients we already have.
But building a of professional.. contacts who can and will ..refer your business..--that's your ..investment..for ..tomorrow..!

Task 3:
  1. What is the main idea that the speaker is talking about?
        Every single person and every single business have many choice and try to build your business network to make your target clients easily to refer your business that could strengthen your competition.

     2. Summarize this video in five or six sentences max; share your summary with one or two of your peers and compare yours to theirs.
       Every person faces lots of choice everyday and makes decision everyday. some of them know what they prefer or what they want.  For business its face the same situation and competition exist everywhere. so building a network for your business as a investment for tomorrow to get all contacts who can and will refer your business easily.
     3. Pick up at least ten new vocabulary from this video, and then create a short story with them. Write it down on your blog and ask one of your peers to edit it for youà you can use this story on your Thursday’s presentation J

Wednesday 21 October 2015

21 October 2015  Wednesday's assignment

Resume Writing:

In order to be prepared for the workforce, you need to have a well-written resume. 

Here are samples of a chronological resume, a combination resume, and a functional resume. Use these just as guidance to help you frame your masterpiece.
This is another excellent website that will help you understand more and more about resume writing. 

Task 1:
Check the following ‘’Sample Career Summaries’’ from this website, and then write one for yourself.

Dynamic entrepreneur who utilizes creativity, leadership and teamwork to design and execute solutions that create customer value. Effective communicator with ability to create marketing materials that convey value for both clients and end users.

Experienced professional with planning and organizational skills that balance work, team support and ad-hoc responsibilities in a timely and professional manner.

Business development executive with years of experience in technical sales, sales management, team leadership, and business growth and expansion. Proven ability to generate sales and revenue.

Experienced professional with a unique combination of technical expertise, managerial experience, business leadership, and design and production support to lead the delivery and implementation of mission-critical software systems.

A excellent QA/QC professionals with 18 year solid and wealthy experience, good communicating and coordinating skills, and strong ability to realize any quality strategies and goals.

Task 2: 
Start creating your resume in light of all that we have learned in class.

Monday 19 October 2015

Friday's assignment  9 October 2015

Task 1:

Article to be read in class:

Watch these videos

Write a quick summary about  both the article and the videos; try to elaborate on what Thanks Giving mean from the Canadian's point of view and include some idioms that were mentioned.

the video 1:
the first video give us a brief introduction about the history of thanksgiving day in Canada. It started at year 1578 for 

Task 2: 

Now comes our time for our field trip report writing. As we used to do, please write one/two paragraph(s) describing your experience on yesterday's field trip.
Try to include the following ideas in your writing:
  • Some background information about the field trip--> location, place's name, history (if you know it)...etc
  • Things you liked, and why
  • Things you didn't like, and why
  • Things that you have learnt
  • Things you would like to learn more about

Ask two of your peers to edit and post for your instructor's feedback:)
19 October 2015 Monday’s assignment

What are Power Statements?
When presenting your skills to others, use concise statements that briefly describe the value you can bring to the organization. Highlight a strength you have, and show how you have used that strength to achieve results. This kind of statement is referred to as a Power Statement.

Task 1:

List 10 or more of your achievements/ accomplishments in your personal life and on your professional level.

  • Developed a Customer complaint handling process and flow chart after joined the new company one month, after that every customer complaint can feedback to customer within limited time and also no conflicts happened between sales department, after sale service department and production department again.
  • Created the ISO 9001 quality management system for a new established factory within one year to meet international quality standards and high-end customers demand. 

  •  Provided professional technical consultant to EPC Project team in whole project executing duration, With my team’s effort, the projects was accomplished without any quality complaint. 

  •  Monitored team members’ progress and growth, With my effort a productive and motivated quality management team was developed. 

  • I'm decisive. For example, I terminated a consultant contract with one consultant company because of their non-professional service style and took a lead to complete the work independently and successfully.
  •  I'm a good problem-solver. For example, I always found out questions and problems quickly and put forward improving solutions accordingly during our internal auditing activities.
  • I'm self-starter and self-motivated. My previous line manager has ever evaluated me as that she is highly self-motivated and well capable of achieving any goal she sets in her mind.  

Task 2: 

After creating a profile, try to connect with at least ten from your classmates together with your instructor today. 

I'm an excellent QA/QC professionals with 18 year solid and wealthy experience, I have good communicating and coordinating skills, strong ability to realize company's quality management strategies and goals. I achieved a lot of progress during the past 10 years such as establish ISO 9001 quality management system for a new established factory within one year, developed customer complain dealing process after join a new company after one month, completed the power plant EPC project successfully and so on.                                                                          

Saturday 10 October 2015

9 October 2015  Friday’s assignment

Task 1:

Article to be read in class:

Watch these videos

Write a quick summary about both the article and the videos; try to elaborate on what Thanks Giving mean from the Canadian's point of view and include some idioms that were mentioned.

This video gave us the brief introduction about the history of the Thanksgiving Day in Canada. It started at 1578 but didn’t celebrate it regularly after a certain period and it took time to note that date at second Monday of October. The mean of Thanksgiving Day also have some change from beginning. Traditional meaning should be celebrated harvest season but nowadays people celebrate for family, for health and for one day off.

This video just like a TV show, a Canadian people show us how to cook a typical food eaten on Thanksgiving Day in Canada -Turkey.  The cooking process can be described as following:
1). Getting the turkey ready;
2). Getting stuffing ready -Mixing the small pieces brides, onion, celery and some poultry seasoning together;
3). Push the stuffing into cavity of turkey and sew it together.
4). Roast in oven.

Task 2: 

Now comes our time for our field trip report writing. As we used to do, please write one/two paragraph(s) describing your experience on yesterday's field trip.
Try to include the following ideas in your writing:
·                  Some background information about the field trip--> location, place's name, history (if you know it)...etc
·                  Things you liked, and why
·                  Things you didn't like, and why
·                  Things that you have learnt
·                  Things you would like to learn more about

A Wonderful field trip to AGO

The day before yesterday our Linc school students had a wonderful field trip to The Art of Gallery of Ontario (AGO), which was planned and organized by our English teacher.

AGO is a famous place in Canada which located at 317 Dundas St. West of Toronto. It was founded in 1900 by a group of private citizens as the Art Museum of Toronto, then renamed the name Art Gallery of Toronto in 1919 and finally got its name “Art of Gallery of Ontario (AGO)” in 1966. AGO is one of the largest art museums in North America, it holds more than 80000 works in its collection, which spans from 100 A.D. to the present.

We enjoyed many paintings in AGO and the painting named ‘The Wooden Shoes’ is the one I like most because the painter used the bright color and fluid strokes which makes me feel peaceful and pleasant. In fact I like nearly all of them and the only one I don’t like is the art piece made from golf bags. Though it try to embody the meaning in a special and creative way it couldn’t arouse me any aesthetic feeling.

This is the first time I visit AGO and most of arts are new to me, it helps me to understand Canadian culture well. Because of time limited we have no chance to look some arts in a detailed way, but by this field trip the teacher has opened a door for me, I would like to learn more relative things in the future. 

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Write a ‘response letter to the editor” on a word document including the following areas:
·      First, what is wrong with the article (the things that you don’t agree upon)?
·      Second, what are your thoughts/reasons for disagreeing or agreeing with that article? You need to mention at least three reasons for your position.
·      What are the action(s) you want the editor to do?

Animal Testing

After ten years of discussion and debate, the European parliament voted to ban the use of animal testing for cosmetic products. The act was passed with a huge majority. The ban took effect in March, 2009.
Prior to the ban, approximately 38,000 animals in the European Union (EU) were used to test the toxicity in new cosmetic products each year. The large majority of cosmetic products are tested on animals before reaching the market. Products include toothpaste, shampoo, make-up, hair dye, and nail polish and many more.
In 2013, the EU took the ban one step further by including their trading partners. Cosmetic companies worldwide who want to sell cosmetics in the EU now have to prove their cosmetics are safe without animal testing. The EU wanted to set an example for the rest of the world.
There are many different types of experiments conducted on animals to test the benefits and risks of cosmetic products. Some of these tests include:
- Skin penetration
The skin penetration tests are used to determine how deep cosmetic ingredients might penetrate the skin.
- Eye irritation
In this test, substances are dropped into the eyes of albino rabbits, to determine how irritating they may be.
- Skin irritation
A substance is smeared over the shaved back of a group of animals, usually rabbits or guinea pigs.
- Oral toxicity
Animals are force fed a substance once or repeatedly to determine the toxic effects. Though there has been great concern over the use of animals to test cosmetics, many feel it is the most effective way to protect the consumers who use them. The cosmetic industry insists that animal testing is the best way by far to test for cancer-causing and allergy-causing chemicals. The industry also feels that it is involved not only in the development of vanity products, but also health products such as toothpaste and sunscreen.

Dear Editor,

Thank you for publishing the article “Animal Testing” and let people know some background about the activity that the European parliament voted to ban the use of animal testing for cosmetic products and some related knowledge.   But I’m sorry I have to write this email to you to state my point of view as following:

First of all, the article mentioned all animal tests for cosmetic products were forbidden since the ban rule released. It seems very helpful and positive to preserve the animal's right. But there has no any description about substitute. Does that means the cosmetic consumers themselves would take the potential toxic risk?

Secondly, there listed some typical experiments conducted on animals in this article. If these tests should be banned, how about some animal tests which is much more cruel in medical area?

Finally, the fact that it took ten years of discussion and debate before this ban be voted just proved it is very
complex and some advantages and disadvantages can’t be easily judged in short term. So the article should give a comprehensive information and analysis to avoid not misleading rthe reader.

Thank you for your attention.


Lucy LI


Tuesday's assignment

Common Collocations

Do, make, and take are used in combination with hundreds of words such as experiment (do an experiment), test (take a test), and noise (make noise).

Task 1:

Which verb completes the phrase? Fill in the table below by ticking the correct column.



1. a lot of noise

2. your homework


3. always _________ excuses


4. breakfast

5. lots of family photos


6. friends easily

7. nothing all the time

8. sugar in your coffee


9. supper


10. the bed

11. the cooking

12. the dishes

13. the ironing

14. the laundry


15. a lot of mistakes

16. the housework

Task 2:

Check your answers with your peers and then use at least five of these collocations to put them in sentences of your own.

Now I'm study in an English training school in daytime where I can make friends easily. I usually do the housework in evening. When I back home, normally I make supper firstly. After supper I should do the laundry, but  in order to avoid making a lot of noise,  I always make excuses for this activity and do nothing all the time during the next two hours. Then I do my homework. sometimes the homework is hard to me and I made a lot of mistakes.

Monday 5 October 2015

Task 1:

Write two-three paragraphs to describe your experience with culture shock. Talk about the following areas:
·                  Which stage do you think yourself at?
·                  Did you pass through l the stages?
·                  What did you do to overcome your culture shock?
·                  What kind of advice(s) would you give to a family member or a friend to help him/her overcome culture shock?

Today our discussed theme in my English class was “Dealing with Culture Shock”. This is a very interesting and helpful topic for all new immigrants and all people travelling to abroad.
I still remembered I have experienced my first culture shock when I travelled to America for a business meeting. My Indian colleague keep kept shaking his head when we were discussing some technical topics, I felt very confused and even a little annoyed. I thought that in myself. "Why he disagrees on every topic but he doesn't didn’t say it out loud or he didn't mention any reasons? Later he explained why he was doing that.that he shook his head means he agree with the point and the conclusion.
Most of countries has have some special culture traditions which is different from our own culture. The best way is to learn it and respect them.
In my English class, the teacher taught us how many stages the culture shock can be divided to and how to analysis which stage we are in. With this training I know I’m in the third stage 3: slow acceptance stage. Though I had tried to overcome the culture shock by the means of respecting others, keep an open-minded, learn as much as I can, I’m still on the way. Now combining with some skills dealing with culture shock - I'm confident I can adapt myself in my new country a little more quickly and easily.

Task 2:

List some strategies/ways/activities you will use to advice a close friend or a family member to do or use in order to reverse any symptoms of culture shock.

Try to learn more about the target culture;
Respect others whatever you understand or not, agree or disagree
Open minded
Make local friends
Participate public activities
Keep positive attitude